Join Us For The PROD Bootcamp e-Course Spring Edition!

e-course lower stress mindset production Mar 27, 2023

Believe me; I know firsthand how challenging it can be to train your team while managing a full-time production! 

But I also know firsthand how essential training and growth are to my team’s productivity, motivation, and efficiency.


That's why I created the PROD Bootcamp.


For busy Animation studios who want to help their production assistants, coordinators, and project managers of all levels learn the mindset and skillset for low-stress and high-efficiency projects.


I first took my team of 5 coordinators and two project managers through this bootcamp in 2019m, while we were in the middle of a 52 episodes project. We were meeting our deliveries, and our clients were happy, but most of the team was working overtime, and we were feeling more stressed and less passionate than we wanted to. We were efficient, but we weren't optimized.

Over the course of 8 weeks, we focused on refining and streamlining our daily processes but also became extra intentional about our mindset, communication habits, and stress management. We also took the time to document these processes and habits in our PROD Encyclopedia so that we would have a tool of reference when it comes to the best practices in our team.


As a result, over the course of the next two months, we gained 20% in efficiency. And not just the production team but the whole crewThat's because while refining and optimizing our processes, we helped artists and supervisors across departments and projects gain clarity and productivity.


You know what else? We eliminated overtime, never missed deadlines, and experienced more well-being at work. We also now had a production tool, the PROD Encyclopedia, that helped us with onboarding, training, and staying on track. 

Not to mention this training was great for team building within the production crew, we got to know each other so much better and benefited from each other's great ideas and diverse experiences.

And I want you to experience the same results!

That's why I took the PROD Bootcamp online. Since 2022, I have helped coordinators, project managers, and line producers worldwide optimize their everyday processes while lowering stress for themselves, their teams, and their clients:


Our Spring semester is currently enrolling at our lowest price of the year! Click here for more information and the curriculum.


If you would like to know how we can help your team gain efficiency and lower stress with this program, contact us!

We are on a mission to make well-being the most popular topic in the animation and VFX industries.

With Love,

Virginie & The Happy Producers Team

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