Are small-budget animation projects bad news? Or a saving grace?

animation industry bidding Sep 25, 2024

In their fight to dominate our attention, the networks, major studios, and streamers have used money as a weapon. 

However, now, they are running out of ammo.

With so much (too much?) content available, having a pair of eyes and ears doesn't make consuming the stuff 4X faster and easier.

The networks and streamers are now banking on spin-offs and pre-/sequels of existing IPs. Reheating yesterday's yummy leftovers is a safe bet.

How about new ideas?
How can they reach an audience?

My version of a recipe for innovation would be:
Limitation mixed with creativity, passion, and an urge to leave a mark.


Small budgets aren't bad news.

They might be the tool to help new creators emerge. Don't be afraid of low-budget projects.
A small budget doesn't mean no one gets paid.

Small budget means:


✔ Clear and lean scope of work
✔ High level of collaboration
✔ High level of commitment
✔ High level of creativity

And a much lower risk.

You don't have to believe me, only check out the film Flow made with a budget of a few million euros.
Money does not warrant an emotional connection with an audience.

Passion does.


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