"I have virtually eliminated overtime for me and my team!"

"I have virtually eliminated overtime for me and my team!"


Imagine meeting every milestone and client delivery easily without overtime for your team.



Believe me, I have worked long hours with unforgiving budgets and stressful environments. I have seen exhausted teams and met frustrating circumstances.


But then, in 2015, I completely changed my outlook on project planning for film and television.


As a result, I got my dream position and have since delivered over 25 000 animated shots under budget to happy clients while prioritizing the team’s well-being. 


And I want you to know that you can do the same!



That’s why I created this course for Producers, Project Managers, and Team Leaders who want to cultivate project planning principles to eliminate overtime and reduce stress.

Master your project schedule and eliminate overtime!

Animation Planning for Well-Being

  • Project Planning for Well-Being PRE-RECORDED COURSE
  • FREE tools:
    • Production Timeline
    • Review Flowchart
    • Technical Chart
    • Analytical Sheet
    • and more! 
  • Six modules (and over 11 hours) covering 35 topics specific to project scheduling for animation.
  • Access to the course for an entire year!
  • A clear road map with quantifiable objectives and milestones to track progress.
  • 6 Workbooks with weekly homework to implement learnings.
  • 1 year email support and homework feedback.
  • Bonus lessons! Shotgrid best practices for Artist pages, Analytics, and Milestones pages
See offers

Claim your spot NOW; this special price only comes once a year!

Up to 50% until April 5th, 2025 at midnight EST.

Best Value


  • Project Planning for Well-Being PRE-RECORDED COURSE
  • FREE tools:
    • Production Timeline
    • Review Flowchart
    • Technical Chart
    • Analytical Sheet
    • and more! ( a value of over $5,000)
  • Six modules (and over 11 hours) covering 35 topics specific to project scheduling for animation.
  • Access to the course for an entire year!
  • A clear road map with quantifiable objectives and milestones to track progress.
  • 6 Workbooks with weekly homework to implement learnings.
  • 1 year email support and homework feedback.
  • Shotgrid best practices for Artist pages, Analytics, and Milestones page.
  • Bonus lessons and masterclasses!
  • Over $20,000 of value in private consulting for a fraction of this price

4 easy payments of


  • Project Planning for Well-Being PRE-RECORDED COURSE
  • FREE tools:
    • Production Timeline
    • Review Flowchart
    • Technical Chart
    • Analytical Sheet
    • and more! ( a value of over $5,000)
  • Six modules (and over 11 hours) covering 35 topics specific to project scheduling for animation.
  • Access to the course for an entire year!
  • A clear road map with quantifiable objectives and milestones to track progress.
  • 6 Workbooks with weekly homework to implement learnings.
  • 1 year email support and homework feedback.
  • Shotgrid best practices for Artist pages, Analytics, and Milestones page.
  • Bonus lessons and masterclasses!
  • Over $20,000 of value in private consulting for a fraction of this price

This program empowers you to:

  • Cultivate a production mindset that sets you up for success.


  • Define the project scope of work, production timeline, and review workflows to manage expectations from the start.


  • Establish achievable milestones from scratch with the tools we provide.


  • Manage emergencies smoothly while staying on track.

  • Learn to gather and analyze production metrics to track and communicate progress.


  • How to conduct post mortems that help boost efficiency, lower stress and celebrate the team's strengths.


  • And virtually eliminate overtime for good!


Animation Project Planning for Well-Being e-Course Curriculum

Project Planning & Mindset

My management style

  • Our planning mindset framework
  • Understanding the planning challenges specific to the animation industry
  • The true leadership and superpowers of the project schedule.

Defining Scope of Work

Gaining clarity

  • How to define the scope of work with the Technical Chart we provide
  • Creating a production Timeline from scratch
  • Clarifying Review Workflows to manage expectations

Milestones & Goal Setting

Establishing benchmarks

  • Bid times VS linear time
  • What are milestones and how to create them with our Timeline 
  • Turning our milestones into weekly and daily goals
  • Setting boundaries around scheduling responsibilities

Communicating & Reporting

The moving parts

  • How do we communicate goals to create self-leadership in our team
  • Easy tools to help you prioritize tasks and manage emergencies efficiently
  • How to report schedule progression to supervisors and clients
  • Managing expectations and client demands

Production Metrics 

A reliable strategy 

  • Why metrics are more reliable than opinion when it comes to planning
  • Which production metrics to gather and analyze
  • How to fill out the Analytics Sheet we provide to create a common language for decision making

Planning for Well-Being

A schedule that works for you 

  • The recipe for a positive, efficient, and motivating post-mortem meeting
  • Stress management in a fast-paced environemnt
  •  Burnout prevention

Claim your spot NOW; this special price only comes once a year!

Up to 50% until April 5th, 2025 at midnight EST.

Best Value


  • Six modules (and over 11 hours) covering 35 topics specific to project scheduling for animation.
  • Access to the course for an entire year!
  • A clear road map with quantifiable objectives and milestones to track progress.
  • 6 Workbooks with weekly homework to implement learnings.
  • Downloadable templates of real-life production tools you can use in your projects:
    • Production Timeline
    • Review Flowchart
    • Technical Chart
    • Analytical Sheet
    • and more! ( a value of over $5,000)
  • 1 year email support and homework feedback.
  • Shotgrid best practices for Artist pages, Analytics and Milestones page.
  • Bonus lessons and masterclasses!

4 easy payments of


  • Six modules (and over 11 hours) covering 35 topics specific to project scheduling for animation.
  • Access to the course for an entire year!
  • A clear road map with quantifiable objectives and milestones to track progress.
  • 6 Workbooks with weekly homework to implement learnings.
  • Downloadable templates of real-life production tools you can use in your projects:
    • Production Timeline
    • Review Flowchart
    • Technical Chart
    • Analytical Sheet
    • and more! ( a value of over $5,000)
  • 1 year email support and homework feedback.
  • Shotgrid best practices for Artist pages, Analytics and Milestones page.
  • Bonus lessons and masterclasses!

Hi, I'm Virginie!


I am a Film and TV Producer with 15 years of experience in live-action and CG animation. I have worked on some of the most exciting properties in the world with clients like Disney, Netflix, HBO, TeamTo and Splash Entertainment.


I put my expertise to the service of the Film and TV community by teaching happy-minded industry professionals, managers, and leaders how to increase their profit while lowering stress.


I am also Co-Owner of The Happy Producers and Ensemble Productions. I share my production and workplace wellbeing tips and insights on The Happy Producers Blog.